well hopefully!
well hopefully!
The very fact that you might be asking yourself that question means that it is a distinct possibility.
So what's your next move? (in no particular order)
- Talk to a priest you know and trust about it. (His perspective might just help you in the discernment process.)
- Pray the Rosary every day. (No one understands discerning God's call better than our Blessed Mother.)
- Try to attend Mass daily if at all possible. (The priesthood is primarily about the Eucharist and so it is at the Mass that your call will be clarified.)
- Try to spend some time each week in Eucharistic Adoration (for the same reason as point 3)
- Do not be afraid to step out in faith - if you wait until you are absolutely certain that you are called, then you never will make it as far as seminary.
- Do not expect a visit from Our Lady or the Lord telling you clearly and unambiguously that you are meant to be a priest.
- Do not fall into the trap of thinking you're not holy enough (it's the priesthood of Jesus Christ - who could be holy enough for that!!)
- Just do it!